Agency. Noun. A business or organisation providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group.
Team. Noun. Two or more people who come together to achieve a common goal.
Collaboration. Noun. The action of working with someone to produce something.
Virtual Assistant. Noun. An independent contractor who provides services to clients while operating outside of the client’s workplace.
Virtuellie is an award winning agency of quality Australian Virtual Assistants.
Our team of Virtual Assistants has many years of experience and a varied range of skills, offering an extensive menu of services to suit a variety of industries.
At Virtuellie, we understand that every business is unique and therefore requires specialist support. We understand just how powerful, planning and execution are to a successful project.
This is why your initial enquiry will start off with a Discovery Call with our Founder and Managing Director, Ellie Hartley. Virtuellie is committed to delivering high-quality collaboration by aligning the personality, skillset, and availability of one of our Virtual Assistants with you and your business.
Virtuellie is all about quality, cost efficiency, and smart solutions to make your business run like clockwork and to help you get back to why you got into business in the first place.