Holiday proof your Virtual business

Flying in the face of the popular myth that virtual assistants are an expensive luxury that only big businesses can afford, a large number of small companies are reaping the benefits of hiring virtual assistants as a smart online solution.

Hiring a virtual assistant not only saves them the overhead cost, it also saves the hassle of training the employees, paying for their insurance, and more.

However, with the holiday season fast approaching, the pressure and expectations of managing the smooth operations of client’s businesses build up for Virtual Assistants. Other than the usual tasks of basic administration, sales, accounting, bookkeeping, research, data entry, etc multiple other tasks get added to the list during the holiday season.

This can make it difficult to manage multiple tasks efficiently and reduce the much-deserved personal holiday time of the VA’s.

Ways to Holiday Proof your business

If you’re wondering how to manage extra tasks and holiday proof your business at the same time, below are some smart ways to achieve it

Plan and work ahead where possible

First and foremost, the requirement for managing an extra holiday workload efficiently is to plan ahead. Break large tasks into smaller goals and set timelines to finish them well before the deadline. Don’t make the mistake of scheduling the entire task for the last moment as this will only add to your stress levels.

Make feasible agreements

To manage holiday tasks efficiently for both you and the client, it is essential to make specific arrangements with the clients. For e.g.: Discuss the priority level of various tasks with the client, make notes accordingly, and inform the client about your availability. Make sure to have a clear and transparent communication with the client so as to manage their expectations smoothly.

Outsource tasks

One of the best ways to holiday proof your business is by outsourcing the task to someone trusted and reliable. If you know other virtual assistants or freelance workers who do their jobs from home and are available during the holiday season, outsource tasks to them. Make sure to brief them about the expectations, deadlines, and all other specific details of the task.

Enjoy your break

Maintaining work-life balance is an essential aspect of any job profile including a Virtual professional’s role. While it is always good to be available for the client’s needs, taking a break is equally essential to rejuvenate the spirits. Make sure you strike the right balance and head into the New Year refreshed!

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