Improving Client Relationship Management Can Help Your Business

Client relationship management is one of the key factors that will help in retaining clients and will help you maintain a steady flow of business. But how do you create a proper client relationship management system?

1. Establishing a Working Relationship

Every business director should put in place a system that establishes a scope of work and acceptance by the client. This process would first include in reaching out to the client, telling them how your business can help them and when they accept working with you, welcoming them. Having a good welcome kit establishes an emotional connection with the client. It shows them that you care.
Welcome kits could include special discounts, bonuses, a small portfolio of your business and successful ventures, etc. You can also print a book of your policies, referral benefits, payment systems, your work ethics, why you are the best at what you do, grievance redressal, etc. Always try to exceed clients’ expectations, it will keep you in their good books!

2. Gaining Client’s Acceptance of Your Work Terms

Many business owners admit that they do not experience good repeat business with clients. Many have long-standing relationships with a few; however, the frequency of new clients is less. This is because there can be a mismatch in communication between you and your client.
After gaining a client and establishing a good connection, you should make sure that they feel comfortable with your terms. This should be the next step of your client welcome kit. You can have a direct session with your client. Make sure that you convey the message that you care about the working relationship and are willing to improvise where necessary.

3. Risk Management Plan

Documenting incidents, creating a risk assessment and applying for insurance, errors and omission handling, disclaimers, etc. You can create a chart of risks and how you will handle them when they occur. Make sure your client knows that you have a risk management system in place. This will ensure their faith in you withstands the test of business!

4. Review Of Business Processes

Regularly review past operations to ensure the quality of services. Have a customer feedback system to keep in touch with your clients. Make a commitment to address every point that is raised. Schedule a review process to keep things running smoothly.

5. Termination of Engagement Procedure

Though you wouldn’t want to encounter such a situation, it is good to put all your policies on the table. Give your clients a brief, but make sure they are supplied with the entire policy.

6. Testimonials, Referrals And References

Once a working relationship has ended, it is good practice to give a testimonial of your client and aim to receive one also. Referrals, testimonials, and references are great for the expansion of your business.
Having all the above in place ensures a good working relationship with your client. It also helps establish the quality of your business, especially when you apply for accreditation.

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