Five Ways to get Traffic with Twitter
Are you struggling with Twitter? – join the club!
Tweeting for your blog is powerful and tweeting your blogs is a great way to get exposure. Use your creativity and connect with more people.
The five steps below will help you to break your twiiter usage down and make it helpful.
1. The dreaded #####hashtags
#Hastage are crucial on Twitter. Hastags allow you to label your content, making it searchable. It’s one of the best ways to get your content seen by Twitter followers who are searching for specific keywords you have used. Hashtags enhances your tweets visibility and engagement even with people who are not following you.
Write your #hashtags as a single word. E.g.
2. Tweet a lot!
Updates on twitter often disappear so tweet those #hashtags often to get that message out. It’s not unusual to tweet 3-4 times a day. Spread tweets over the hours you know your target audience will notice and a reminder out of hours as a gentle reminder. Tweeting several times will help you reach your social audience.
3. Be engaging
Tweeting is all about engaging with your target audience. The more you engage with your audience, the better your chances of increasing your traffic. By engaging with others through tweeting, sharing and retweeting, your influence on twitter will quickly grow.
In addition, retweeting other people’s posts increases your chances of getting retweeted in return further increasing your reach.
4. Be Visual- Be Seen
Twitter now features visual content, it’s no longer text only. Adding visual content will increase your chances of being shared by more and more people.
Posting visuals that stand above others will go a long way in helping you get more traffic.
5. Don’t forget your Call to Action
Every aspect of marketing requires a well-formulated call to action.
Let your followers know exactly what you want them to do – download your new eBook, or read your latest blog post.
Use your call to action button so they can engage and download your content.
For more information on AAVIP please check us out we would love to hear from you.
Judy Small-President
Australian Association for Virtual Professional Industry Pty Ltd.